moviename | productive | subreads | rounds |
m131128_163657_42164_c100589642550000001823099704281491_s1_p0 | 17702 | 23389 | 1.321 |
m131129_160711_42164_c100589642550000001823099704281492_s1_p0 | 18359 | 22626 | 1.232 |
id | value |
count | 39697 |
0% | 500 |
25% | 1722 |
50% | 2903 |
75% | 5151 |
100% | 20254 |
mean | 3910 |
sd | 3079 |
Note the bimodal distribution: a larger proportion of reads with around 52% GC and a smaller subpopulation with 36%. Preliminary analysis suggest that the smaller population could be mtDNA, but also bacterial. TODO show, analyse further (kmer partitioning/spectra?).
Stats calculated with fastqc.
/sw/lenny/arch/x86_64/FastQC/fastqc -o fastqc/ -t 4 illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.1.fastq
/sw/lenny/arch/x86_64/FastQC/fastqc -o fastqc/ -t 4 illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.2.fastq
# split result files to modules for easier parsing in R
for d in fastqc/440_A_CGTACG_L003.1_fastqc fastqc/440_A_CGTACG_L003.2_fastqc; do
pushd $d
perl ~solexa/bin/ fastqc_data.txt
id | read | Measure | Value |
read1.1 | read1 | Filename | 440_A_CGTACG_L003.1.fastq |
read1.2 | read1 | File type | Conventional base calls |
read1.3 | read1 | Encoding | Sanger / Illumina 1.9 |
read1.4 | read1 | Total Sequences | 42264242 |
read1.5 | read1 | Filtered Sequences | 0 |
read1.6 | read1 | Sequence length | 101 |
read1.7 | read1 | %GC | 49 |
read2.1 | read2 | Filename | 440_A_CGTACG_L003.2.fastq |
read2.2 | read2 | File type | Conventional base calls |
read2.3 | read2 | Total Sequences | 42264242 |
read2.4 | read2 | Sequence length | 101 |
read2.5 | read2 | %GC | 49 |
Preqc pipeline from SGA:
Simpson, J. Exploring Genome Characteristics and Sequence Quality Without a Reference. arXiv Prepr. 1–29 (2013). at
Run on Illumina data set.
#$ -q public.q
#$ -pe smp 8
#$ -cwd
#$ -N sga_preqc
ln -sf ../illumina/${FQ_BASE}.{1,2}.fastq .
if [ ! -e $FQ_BASE.fastq ]; then
$SGA_BIN preprocess --pe-mode 1 $FQ_BASE.{1,2}.fastq > $FQ_BASE.fastq
if [ ! -e $FQ_BASE*fai ]; then
$SGA_BIN index -a ropebwt -t 8 --no-reverse $FQ_BASE.fastq
$SGA_BIN preqc -t 8 $FQ_BASE.fastq > $FQ_BASE.preqc
Estimated Genome Size: 2.4807 × 107 bp.
Mean: 211.3821 +/- 52.6065, median: 204
This should be a bimodal distribution with a peak at low depths (for error kmers) and a second one at higher depths (correct kmers). Calculated for k=51.
This measure is a predictor of the complexity of the assembly graph (number of possibilities). In comparison to the provided test data sets, repeat and variant branches look good, but the number of error branches is very high.
XXX Illumina error correction?
For estimating k. Should be chosen as high as possible.
Parameters for fragment (actually insert) size from PreQC and other (post-hoc) estimations.
module load gridengine
# source pacbio software, comes with the complete Celera assembly suite
. /groups/csf-ngs/bin/pacbio/smrtanalysis-2.0.1/etc/
if [ ! -f $illuminaFrg ]; then
# assume 220bp insert size +/- 50 - this conforms to various QC estimations (some post-hoc, i.e. from assembly tries)
fastqToCA -libraryname illumina -insertsize 220 50 -technology illumina -type sanger -innie -mates illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.1.fastq,illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.2.fastq > $illuminaFrg
pacBioToCA -length 500 -partitions 200 -l ec_pacbio -t 16 -s pacbio.spec -fastq filtered_subreads.fastq $illuminaFrg > run.out 2>&1
Outputs Celera-specific frg and a pair of .fasta/.qual files. The latter can be converted to fastq using
id | corrected | filtered |
count | 55334.000 | 39697.00 |
0% | 299.000 | 500.00 |
25% | 885.000 | 1722.00 |
50% | 1622.000 | 2903.00 |
75% | 2982.000 | 5151.00 |
100% | 15953.000 | 20254.00 |
mean | 2357.252 | 3909.69 |
sd | 2152.592 | 3079.00 |
coverage | 6.522 | 7.76 |
Characterize changes from error correction by kmer spectrum of reads.
Good linear fit
relative frequency (log2 ratios) shows some patterns (not examined in detail)
Illumina kmer spectrum calculated on a random subset of 1M reads of illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003_R1_001.fastq (memory consumption limits!). Celera error correction very aggressively turns the pacbio reads into illumina reads! The result has more to do with illumina than the original.
Spoiler only marginal differences
id | old.corrected | corrected | filtered |
count | 56619.00 | 55334.000 | 39697.00 |
0% | 395.00 | 299.000 | 500.00 |
25% | 852.00 | 885.000 | 1722.00 |
50% | 1541.00 | 1622.000 | 2903.00 |
75% | 2858.00 | 2982.000 | 5151.00 |
100% | 15953.00 | 15953.000 | 20254.00 |
mean | 2278.29 | 2357.252 | 3909.69 |
sd | 2113.71 | 2152.592 | 3079.00 |
coverage | 6.45 | 6.522 | 7.76 |
A similar correction pipeline to pacBioToCA. Very difficult to run! --distribute --output=result-nonsensitive/ --params=settings-nonsensitive.xml xml:input.xml &
Compare settings in settings.xml
and settings-nonsensitive.xml
. The
minScore parameter for the blasr
mapping seems to make all the difference. If
set too high: align.b4
of illumina against pacbio grows to 120GB, subsequent
processing crashes.
Complete pacbio run: needs to start from SMRTcell raw data!
id | filtered | corrected | preassembly |
count | 39697.00 | 55334.000 | 1.821e+04 |
0% | 500.00 | 299.000 | 5.010e+02 |
25% | 1722.00 | 885.000 | 5.670e+02 |
50% | 2903.00 | 1622.000 | 6.680e+02 |
75% | 5151.00 | 2982.000 | 8.550e+02 |
100% | 20254.00 | 15953.000 | 3.776e+03 |
mean | 3909.69 | 2357.252 | 7.644e+02 |
sd | 3079.00 | 2152.592 | 2.934e+02 |
coverage | 7.76 | 6.522 | 6.961e-01 |
Simpson, J. T. et al. ABySS: a parallel assembler for short read sequence data. Genome Res. 19, 1117–23 (2009).
Version 1.3.7 from Dec 11, 2013 has the ability to use long reads (e.g. pacbio) to scaffold a short-read assembly, but has a few quirks (bugs) to work around.
#$ -q public.q
#$ -pe smp 4
#$ -cwd
#$ -N pacbio_k64_assembly
module load gridengine
#module load bwa
# use newer bwa (with mem)!
export PATH=/groups/csf-ngs/bin/align/bwa/bwa-0.7.5a:/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/abyss-1.3.7/bin:/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/abyss-1.3.7/ABYSS:$PATH
# unfortunately we're not allowed to submit to the openmpi queue, so we have to lie to abyss about running in single threaded mode
unset NSLOTS
if [ ! -d "abyss-k64" ]; then
mkdir abyss-k64
pushd abyss-k64
# it's important to put the file into the current path (bug in abyss)
ln -sf ../$longreads .
/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/abyss-1.3.7/bin/abyss-pe -j 4 k=64 in='../illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.1.fastq ../illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.2.fastq' long=$longreads name=$assembly
# BUG in abyss - at this point there will be an error. we have to re-run the alignment manually
bwa mem -a -T 60 -k 16 -A 2 -L 4 -t2 -S -P -k64 $assembly-8.fa $longreads | gzip > $longreads-8.sam.gz
# restart abyss - it picks up the alignment and continues (the magic power of makefiles!)
/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/abyss-1.3.7/bin/abyss-pe -j 4 k=64 in='../illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.1.fastq ../illumina/440_A_CGTACG_L003.2.fastq' long=$longreads name=$assembly
abyss-fac -d, *-{unitigs,contigs,scaffolds,long-scaffs}.fa | sed -e s/sum/sum,set/ > pacbio_abyss_k64.summary.csv
Abyss-fac output (all contigs >= 200bp):
n | n.200 | n.N50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | max | sum | set |
14738 | 4694 | 346 | 200 | 6760 | 17514 | 32280 | 94671 | 20170000 | pacbio_abyss_k64-unitigs.fa |
8146 | 1746 | 167 | 200 | 16252 | 38669 | 71303 | 174379 | 20380000 | pacbio_abyss_k64-contigs.fa |
7243 | 1084 | 120 | 200 | 24221 | 51236 | 95736 | 200210 | 20370000 | pacbio_abyss_k64-scaffolds.fa |
6941 | 782 | 77 | 200 | 35386 | 81601 | 145621 | 435667 | 20350000 | pacbio_abyss_k64-long-scaffs.fa |
Cumulative sum of contig lengths for all and contigs longer than 500bp. Abyss leaves a large number of chaff (very small contigs).
Number of remaining contigs after length filtering.
Examining 4mer content reveals two distinct contig/scaffold populations. This should be examined further! (contamination, mtDNA?) Only contigs > 500 bp are examined.
Contig kmer heatmap:
Long scaffold heatmap:
Works similar to the last step in the abyss assembly: Alignment of Pacbio reads against contigs and iterative scaffolding, repeat resolving… using a simplified assembly graph. NB: Cerulean aligns against contigs, which are not yet joined using paired end information. Maybe try to get it to start from scaffolds?
Deshpande V, Fung E, Pham S, Bafna V. Cerulean: A hybrid assembly using high throughput short and long reads. Algorithms Bioinforma. 2013;8126:349–363. Available at:
Run cerulean ../scripts/
blasr filtered_subreads.fastq pacbio_abyss_k64-contigs.fa -minMatch 10 -minPctIdentity 70 -bestn 30 -nCandidates 30 -maxScore -500 -nproc 8 -noSplitSubreads -out pacbio_abyss_k64
cd /groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/Cerulean
python src/ --dataname pacbio_abyss_k64 --basedir /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/data/abyss-k64 --nproc 8
Abyss-fac output (all contigs >= 200bp) in comparison to Abyss scaffolding:
abyss-fac -d, *-{contigs,long-scaffs}.fa *_cerulean.fasta | sed -e s/sum/sum,set/ > cerulean_abyss_k64.summary.csv
n | n.200 | n.N50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | max | sum | set |
8146 | 1746 | 167 | 200 | 16252 | 38669 | 71303 | 174379 | 20380000 | pacbio_abyss_k64-contigs.fa |
6941 | 782 | 77 | 200 | 35386 | 81601 | 145621 | 435667 | 20350000 | pacbio_abyss_k64-long-scaffs.fa |
353 | 353 | 60 | 1160 | 57393 | 106883 | 215609 | 366413 | 21090000 | pacbio_abyss_k64_cerulean.fasta |
Number of remaining contigs after length filtering.
The Cerulean contigs seem to lose the 34% GC contigs. Most contigs have the familiar 52% GC, with a small shoulder at about 45%. There is a small hump at 34% GC, maybe Cerulean collapsed to one (or few) contigs?
Abyss uses bwa
to align long reads against the assembled scaffolds with
parameters bwa mem -a -t2 -S -P -k64
. This algorithm matches exact seed
matches (length = -k64
and extends these with a Smith-Waterman alignment. It
outputs all found alignments (even if query sequence matches locally to
different parts of ref sequence).
Examine alignment (don't forget to convert .sam.gz to BAM: zcat filtered_subreads.fastq-8.sam.gz | samtools view -Sb - > filtered_subreads.fastq-8.bam
Overall 2097 of 7243 (28.9521 %) scaffolds had a match to at least one pacbio read.
Contigs with more than 1000 hits: (discarded for further analysis).
## contig width count mean.qwidth mean.qtotal
## 236 10609 64 3789 109.1 6983
## A DNAStringSet instance of length 1
## width seq names
(Unsurprisingly) there is a size dependency on number of hits. A large number of chaff contigs seem to have no hits, but there are also a few small contigs with large number of hits. These could be filtered out (low complexity?).
Although the contigs do not show the bimodal GC distribution, there are long contigs for both classes of pacbio reads. There is no noticable GC bias in match vs. nomatch contigs.
15024 of 39697 pacbio reads aligned at least one time (37.8467 %).
Reads with >1000 hits:
## query
## 37881 m131129_160711_42164_c100589642550000001823099704281492_s1_p0/86006/0_10476
## count mean.reflength mean.hitlength width
## 37881 1100 67.72 73.98 10476
## A DNAStringSet instance of length 1
## width seq names
This is only a short segment (mean 74bp) of a 11kb pacbio read?
No apparent size bias, but shorter pacbio reads seem to map worse (no surprise).
No GC bias for the mapped pacbio reads - there seems to be something real.
Only shown as comparison, results for scaffolding with uncorrected reads was better! Would be nice to figure out why.
Overall 4479 of 7243 (61.839 %) scaffolds had a match to at least one pacbio read.
## contig width count mean.qwidth mean.qtotal m gc set
## 11266 20599 10924 1137 1297 1655 match 0.5462 corrected
## 11289 20621 18809 1974 1410 1843 match 0.4868 corrected
## 11314 20645 11851 1541 1394 2185 match 0.5060 corrected
## A DNAStringSet instance of length 3
## width seq names
55326 of 55334 pacbio reads aligned at least one time (99.9855 %).
Construct a mapping graph with reads/contigs as vertices and valid alignments between them as edges (bipartite graph!).
id | nodes | edges | density | |
filtered | 17121 | 23828 | 1e-04 | 2.784 |
corrected | 59805 | 243915 | 1e-04 | 8.157 |
Not a connected graph: Connected components should be contigs that might be scaffolded using the mapping pacbio reads (minus false positives and branches). There are 379 components in the filtered and only 2 components in the corrected pacbio mapping.
The node degree distribution shows a small number of highly connected 'super nodes' (with more than 1000 connections):
Filtered Pacbio:
id | name | degree |
10609 | 10609 | 3789 |
m131129_160711_42164_c100589642550000001823099704281492_s1_p0/86006/0_10476 | m131129_160711_42164_c100589642550000001823099704281492_s1_p0/86006/0_10476 | 1100 |
## A DNAStringSet instance of length 2
## width seq names
Corrected Pacbio:
id | name | degree |
20645 | 20645 | 1541 |
20621 | 20621 | 1974 |
20599 | 20599 | 1137 |
## A DNAStringSet instance of length 3
## width seq names
Removing these nodes results in a far more fragmented graph for the corrected mapping: from 2 to 2191. 2182 pacbio reads become disconnected from the mapping graph if these nodes are removed. The GC distribution shows a clear separation: The disconnected pacbio reads seem to belong to the 34% GC cluster.
Further examination of the mapping graph: Which communities form, what type of sequence behind this etc. Modularity could also help dissecting the large giant hairball. Find explanations why corrected mapping produces worse results!
Simpson JT, Durbin R. Efficient de novo assembly of large genomes using compressed data structures. Genome Res. 2012;22(3):549–56.
Run SGA with ../scripts/
(too long to print here)
id | set | Measure | Value |
Illumina Read1.1 | 440_A_CGTACG_L003 | Filename | 440_A_CGTACG_L003.fastq |
Illumina Read1.2 | 440_A_CGTACG_L003 | File type | Conventional base calls |
Illumina Read1.3 | 440_A_CGTACG_L003 | Total Sequences | 84206756 |
Illumina Read1.4 | 440_A_CGTACG_L003 | Sequence length | 101 |
Illumina Read1.5 | 440_A_CGTACG_L003 | %GC | 49 |
Error Corrected.1 | | Filename | |
Error Corrected.2 | | File type | Conventional base calls |
Error Corrected.3 | | Total Sequences | 79875407 |
Error Corrected.4 | | Sequence length | 101 |
Error Corrected.5 | | %GC | 49 |
abyss-fac output:
abyss-fac -d, assemble.m75-contigs.fa scaffolds.n5.fa ../abyss-k64/*-{contigs,scaffolds}.fa | sed -e s/sum/sum,set/ > sga_abyss_summary.csv
n | n.200 | n.N50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | max | sum | set |
25941 | 4372 | 330 | 200 | 6946 | 18044 | 35883 | 78329 | 20540000 | assemble.m75-contigs.fa |
1584 | 1584 | 117 | 200 | 26143 | 57237 | 95547 | 199401 | 20360000 | scaffolds.n5.fa |
8146 | 1746 | 167 | 200 | 16252 | 38669 | 71303 | 174379 | 20380000 | ../abyss-k64/pacbio_abyss_k64-contigs.fa |
7243 | 1084 | 120 | 200 | 24221 | 51236 | 95736 | 200210 | 20370000 | ../abyss-k64/pacbio_abyss_k64-scaffolds.fa |
Number of remaining contigs after length filtering.
Luo, R. et al. SOAPdenovo2: an empirically improved memory-efficient short-read de novo assembler. Gigascience 1, 18 (2012).
Build config file:
#maximal read length
#average insert size
#if sequence needs to be reversed
#in which part(s) the reads are used
#use only first 100 bps of each read
#in which order the reads are used while scaffolding
# cutoff of pair number for a reliable connection (at least 3 for short insert size)
#minimum aligned length to contigs for a reliable read location (at least 32 for short insert size)
#a pair of fastq file, read 1 file should always be followed by read 2 file
and wrapper shell script for cluster submission:
#$ -q public.q
#$ -pe smp 1
#$ -cwd
#$ -N soap_k81_assembly
if [ ! -e "U_bromivora.pregraph.done" ]; then
# -K 81 chosen from SGA preassembly QC output
# -d 1 KmerFreqCutoff: kmers with frequency no larger than KmerFreqCutoff will be deleted
$SOAP pregraph -s config -K 81 -p 8 -d 1 -o U_bromivora 1>pregraph.log 2>&1
if [ -e "U_bromivora.preGraphBasic" ]; then
touch U_bromivora.pregraph.done
if [ -e "U_bromivora.pregraph.done" && ! -e "U_bromivora.contig.done" ]; then
# -M 3 mergeLevel(min 0, max 3): the strength of merging similar sequences during contiging
$SOAP contig -g U_bromivora -M 3 1>contig.log 2>&1
if [ -e "U_bromivora.contig" ]; then
touch U_bromivora.contig.done
if [ -e "U_bromivora.contig.done" && ! -e "" ]; then
$SOAP map -g U_bromivora -s config -p 8 >map.log 2>&1
if [ -e "U_bromivora.readInGap.gz" ]; then
if [ -e "" && ! -e "U_bromivora.scaff.done" ]; then
# -b 1.5 insertSizeUpperBound: (b*avg_ins) will be used as upper bound of insert size for large insert size
# ( > 1000) when handling pair-end connections between contigs if b is set to larger than 1
$SOAP scaff -g U_bromivora -b 1.5 -p 8 >scaff.log 2>&1
if [ -e "U_bromivora.scafStatistics" ]; then
touch U_bromivora.scaff.done
# SOAPdenovo2 does not add .fasta to fasta output
ln -s U_bromivora.scafSeq U_bromivora.scaffolds.fasta
ln -s U_bromivora.contig U_bromivora.contig.fasta
abyss-fac output:
abyss-fac -d, U_bromivora.contig.fasta U_bromivora.scaffolds.fasta ../abyss-k64/*-{contigs,scaffolds}.fa ../sga/assemble.m75-contigs.fa ../sga/scaffolds.n5.fa | sed -e s/sum/sum,set/ > soap_abyss_sga_summary.csv
n | n.200 | n.N50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | max | sum | set |
8632 | 3672 | 302 | 200 | 8042 | 20255 | 39187 | 103264 | 20500000 | U_bromivora.contig.fasta |
2877 | 999 | 80 | 200 | 37836 | 78347 | 150293 | 280862 | 20320000 | U_bromivora.scaffolds.fasta |
8146 | 1746 | 167 | 200 | 16252 | 38669 | 71303 | 174379 | 20380000 | ../abyss-k64/pacbio_abyss_k64-contigs.fa |
7243 | 1084 | 120 | 200 | 24221 | 51236 | 95736 | 200210 | 20370000 | ../abyss-k64/pacbio_abyss_k64-scaffolds.fa |
25941 | 4372 | 330 | 200 | 6946 | 18044 | 35883 | 78329 | 20540000 | ../sga/assemble.m75-contigs.fa |
1584 | 1584 | 117 | 200 | 26143 | 57237 | 95547 | 199401 | 20360000 | ../sga/scaffolds.n5.fa |
Number of remaining contigs after length filtering.
Recommended step after Cerulean scaffolding. Cerulean does not fill the gaps it was able to span with sequences from the Pacbio reads, so there are long(ish) stretches of Ns left. This happens already when scaffolding with PE information, so the whole assembly should benefit from this.
English AC, Richards S, Han Y, et al. Mind the gap: upgrading genomes with Pacific Biosciences RS long-read sequencing technology. PLoS One. 2012;7(11):e47768. Available at:
Contigs are stretches of continuous assembled reads (rather kmers). These are joined to scaffolds with
In the first case, nothing is known about the sequence between. In the second case, the sequence is unreliable (15% error rate!) and multiple mappings need to be resolved. This is not addressed by Abyss or Cerulean!
set | count | gapped.contigs | overall | per.contig.mean | overall.width | width.mean | gap.ratio.mean |
scaffolds | 7243 | 317 | 602 | 0.08311 | 28525 | 89.98 | 0.01382 |
sga.scaffolds | 1584 | 337 | 612 | 0.38636 | 17250 | 51.19 | 0.00553 |
longscaff | 6941 | 303 | 856 | 0.12333 | 79325 | 261.80 | 0.01983 |
cerulean | 353 | 316 | 799 | 2.26346 | 529462 | 1675.51 | 0.05831 |
Wrapper script:
#$ -q public.q
#$ -pe smp 4
#$ -cwd
#$ -N armin_pbjelly
module load gridengine
module load python
. /groups/csf-ngs/bin/pacbio/smrtanalysis-2.0.1/etc/
. /groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/Jelly_13.10.22/ $@
Gap filling for Cerulean scaffolds:
<blasr>-minMatch 8 -bestn 5 -nCandidates 20 -maxScore -400 -nproc 4 -noSplitSubreads</blasr>
<command>qsub -sync y -V -q public.q -pe smp 4 -cwd -N ${JOBNAME} ${CMD}</command>
<input baseDir="/groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/data">
cd pbjelly/
sh /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/scripts/ setup Protocol.xml
sh /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/scripts/ mapping Protocol.xml
# problematic: need to change default parameters. this does not work as documented:
#sh /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/scripts/ support Protocol.xml -x "--minMapqv 0 --debug"
# runs locally (need to module load python!) support Protocol.xml -x "--minMapq 0 --debug"
sh /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/scripts/ extraction Protocol.xml
# longest step, 4-6 hours
sh /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/scripts/ assembly Protocol.xml
sh /groups/csf-ngs/projects/20131203_Armin_PacbioEC/scripts/ output Protocol.xml
There were some problems: Frequent core dumps during assembly stage from blasr. gdb backtrace:
> gdb --core core `which blasr`
Core was generated by `blasr /clustertmp/csfs/gecko-solexa-tmp/uni_JaAUe4.fasta /clustertmp/csfs/gecko'.
Program terminated with signal 6, Aborted.
[New process 3629]
#0 0x0000000000847f25 in raise ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0000000000847f25 in raise ()
#1 0x000000000080cdb0 in abort ()
#2 0x0000000000808544 in __assert_fail ()
#3 0x00000000004475db in MapReadToGenome<SuffixArray<unsigned char, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >, DefaultCompareStrings<unsigned char>, DNATuple>, FASTASequence, SMRTSequence, ChainedMatchPos> ()
#4 0x0000000000486480 in MapRead<SMRTSequence, FASTASequence, SuffixArray<unsigned char, std::vector<int, std::allocator<int> >, DefaultCompareStrings<unsigned char>, DNATuple>, TupleCountTable<FASTASequence, DNATuple> > ()
#5 0x0000000000413d36 in MapReads ()
#6 0x000000000041e46b in main ()
Output maybe incomplete! It seems some sequence chunks cause problems.
Also in assembly stage:
2014-01-07 16:08:07,111 [WARNING] read m131128_163657_42164_c100589642550000001823099704281491_s1_p0/87351/0_2417 gave too many alignments
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/Jelly_13.10.22/bin/", line 802, in <module>
File "/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/Jelly_13.10.22/bin/", line 781, in run
args.predictedGapSize, args.maxTrim, args.maxWiggle, basedir=args.tempDir)
File "/groups/csf-ngs/bin/assembly/Jelly_13.10.22/bin/", line 319, in getSubSeqs
if a != SUPPORTFLAGS.none and b != SUPPORTFLAGS.none:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'b' referenced before assignment
after some (but not all) too many alignments warnings.
Result file: jelly.out.fasta
abyss-fac output:
abyss-fac -d, abyss-k64/pacbio_abyss_k64_cerulean.fasta abyss-k64/pbjelly/jelly.out.fasta sga/scaffolds.n5.fasta sga/pbjelly/jelly.out.fasta soap-denovo-k81/U_bromivora.scaffolds.fasta soap-denovo-k81/pbjelly/jelly.out.fasta | sed -e s/sum/sum,set/ > pbj_summary.csv
n | n.200 | n.N50 | min | N80 | N50 | N20 | max | sum | set |
353 | 353 | 60 | 1160 | 57393 | 106883 | 215609 | 366413 | 21090000 | abyss-k64/pacbio_abyss_k64_cerulean.fasta |
255 | 255 | 43 | 2189 | 73446 | 159023 | 303783 | 489237 | 21640000 | abyss-k64/pbjelly/jelly.out.fasta |
1584 | 1584 | 117 | 200 | 26143 | 57237 | 95547 | 199401 | 20360000 | sga/scaffolds.n5.fasta |
833 | 809 | 29 | 200 | 104982 | 234931 | 383728 | 767671 | 20650000 | sga/pbjelly/jelly.out.fasta |
2877 | 999 | 80 | 200 | 37836 | 78347 | 150293 | 280862 | 20320000 | soap-denovo-k81/U_bromivora.scaffolds.fasta |
2461 | 607 | 34 | 200 | 101733 | 201830 | 337875 | 541843 | 20570000 | soap-denovo-k81/pbjelly/jelly.out.fasta |
Regarding every NN* as a gap.
set | count | gapped.contigs | overall | per.contig.mean | overall.width | width.mean | gap.ratio.mean |
scaffolds | 7243 | 317 | 602 | 0.08311 | 28525 | 89.98 | 0.01382 |
cerulean | 353 | 316 | 799 | 2.26346 | 529462 | 1675.51 | 0.05831 |
pbj.cerulean | 255 | 152 | 224 | 0.87843 | 64066 | 421.49 | 0.01470 |
sga.scaffolds | 1584 | 337 | 612 | 0.38636 | 17250 | 51.19 | 0.00553 |
pbj.sga | 833 | 26 | 31 | 0.03721 | 927 | 35.65 | 0.02489 |
soap.scaffolds | 2877 | 514 | 3084 | 1.07195 | 33891 | 65.94 | 0.01527 |
pbj.soap | 2461 | 246 | 2705 | 1.09915 | 19088 | 77.59 | 0.02220 |
Some contigs have high mapping depth (>200) for sga and soap-denovo, random blasts for these contigs shows rRNA genes.
XXX not done
not done! requires short + long Illumina data (with ~ 180bp insert + 3kb insert).
Earl D, Bradnam K, St John J, et al. Assemblathon 1: a competitive assessment of de novo short read assembly methods. Genome Res. 2011;21(12):2224–41. Available at: [Accessed December 13, 2013].
El-Metwally S, Hamza T, Zakaria M, Helmy M. Next-Generation Sequence Assembly: Four Stages of Data Processing and Computational Challenges Markel S, ed. PLoS Comput. Biol. 2013;9(12):e1003345. Available at: [Accessed December 12, 2013].
Salzberg SL, Phillippy AM, Zimin A, et al. GAGE: A critical evaluation of genome assemblies and assembly algorithms. Genome Res. 2012;22(3):557–67. Available at: [Accessed December 13, 2013].